Sunday, November 4, 2007

The end? I don't think so

This program has been a great opportunity to explore a number of communication and multimedia tools available on the net. The nature of communication adn entertainment is changing rapidly and unless we want to be left behind, libraries have to change their thoughts on this technology as well.

Adding podcasts, YouTube presentations to library websites make them more interactive and a bit more human than to those trying work out how to use catalogues and online databases without someone there to guide them. Wikis provide an opportunity to add booklists that are capable of easy change, as well as provide an interactve community noticeboard to users. At the moment, my mind is fairly spinning with ideas and possible applications for a lot of what this training course has shown me. Meaning that"Learn Thru Play" has been a very successful experience for me, and I do mean to explore any opportunity to use what I have learnt over the last few weeks.

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